Policies – All Other Goats

Policies of Pedigree International Registry

Registration of any goat

The breeder must complete all the registry paperwork, submit fees, and send to PI. If This registration is from progeny of semen use, a DNA parentage report from UC Davis must be included with the application.

Note: If the NAME OF THIS ANIMAL field is left blank on the application the animal will automatically be given the breeders herd prefix followed by the left ear tattoo. If there is no left ear tattoo (thus the breeder is using micro chips) then the animals name will be the breeders herd prefix and theLAST FOUR DIGITS of the micro chip number.

Sale of a goat

The breeder/seller (active PI client) must complete all the registry paperwork, submit fees, and send to PI.

The buyer may no longer register or transfer goats that were purchased. The breeder/seller must complete all the registry paperwork, submit fees, and send to PI. This applies to transfers made both on the back of the certificate and transfers on application. Transfer fees are the same weather transferring to buyers that are clients or non clients.

  • What percentage constitutes a PUREBRED goat?
    For any goat to be registered as a PUREBRED, within the herd book it is registered, a DOE must be at least 15/16 – 94% and a BUCK must be at least 31/32 – 97% (rounded up).
  • Time frame for transfers from a sale?
    The seller must send in the transfer paperwork to PI within 30 days of the sale.
  • Transfers past the 30-day deadline of a sale?
    If Pedigree accepts the documents for transfer, there will be an additional fee of $5 per month past the first 30 days of sale.
  • Notify PI of the death of a PI registered goat?
    Yes, all goats that have died are to be reported. Certificates are to be returned to P.I. with the word deceased written on the certificate with the date of death if known.

The Mailing of Certificates:

Breeder / Seller requesting a transfer of ownership on an Animal Application
A copy of certificates can be emailed back to the original breeder for review. This provides the opportunity for the breeder/seller to review the certificate for accuracy prior to them being mailed out to the new owner.

Transfers on the back of the certificate:
When an animal is transferred to the new buyer/owner from the form on the back of a certificate PI will send the new certificate onto the new owner, providing the seller has submitted mailing fee to cover the work being sent to various addresses. It is concluded, that once the certificate is in the hands of the breeders and then sent back to PI with the Transfer Form filled out on the back, that the seller has reviewed the information on the front of the certificate and deems it correct.

Annual client fee for PI breeders

Yes, its $35 per year. This maintains the herd books and advertises the breeders within Pedigree’s breeder file. Pedigree is also using social media advertising to bring perspective buyers to Pedigree’s web site and associated web pages. This will help new customers find PI breeders in their area.

What if I do not want to be listed in PI’s breeder list?
PI will remove anyone breeder or a portion of any contact information with written request.

DNA dictated pedigree change policy

When a goat proves different then its pedigree by DNA, it must use DNA to prove its pedigree status. When a parent proves out by DNA, that parent reverts to a 0%, unless DNA can qualify in a new parent.

Changes will be made to an animal only after a verified DNA report from US Davis has been submitted to PI. PI reserves the right to further investigate the results of the report. The submitting party will provide PI with all DNA case codes associated with the case; failure to do so could result in 0% on the affected parent.

The submitting breeder is responsible to promptly contact all their buyers to alert them that a change may/will be forthcoming in an effort to halt any sales, purchases or breedings that may be pending.

The submitting breeder will be responsible for all fees associated with the changes.

Rush Orders

There is a $25 fee for a rush order, plus $5 per application. A PDF of the new certificate can be emailed the next day. The new certificate will be mailed USPS the next business day.  Rush orders are based on submissions sent using the eApp program. Contact PI by email or phone prior to placing a “Rush” for conformation that the service is available for your time frame.

Returned Check fee
You really don’t want to do this. Be professional. There is a $40 returned check fee. The second returned check would result in additional fees plus loss of check privileges.

Cost to register goats is located under FEES on the drop down menu located on the website tool bar.

Reproduction Policies:

Semen Sales and AI Breeding Policy *

Semen for personal use or semen that is intended for sale:

  1. All bucks providing semen that will be used in artificial breeding, should be registered in good standing with PI, to have prodigy eligible for registration.
  2. A copy of the semen collection report is to be on file with PI.
  3. A Semen Sales Receipt will be on file with PI. Submission of receipt is the responsibility of the seller within 30 days of transaction. We suggest that the buyer of said semen check with PI to be sure the semen sale was submitted.
  4. The owner of the buck providing semen, is to be an active PI client at the time of collection or sale. Seller of said semen is to provide a copy of the DNA report to the buyer at the time of sale.
  5. Bucks providing ‘semen for sale’ must have a University of California at Davis PED DNA case code on file. Bucks without a PED DNA case code will have their ‘personal account’ or (GO) case code opted into the PED affiliate account.
  6. Contact PI or UCDavis for information regarding PED conversion from personal accounts or (GO) case files.
  7. All offspring of an AI breeding must be DNA PARENT verified and the DNA report submitted to PI at the time of registration.
  8. Additional paper work on AI tech work is not required.
  9. Semen collection reports are required on all semen used or sold.

Embryo Transfer registration policy

  1. If semen is used to AI a Donor Doe:
    See Semen Sales and Breeding AI policy above.
  2. Both the Dam and Sire used in an embryo transfer program must be registered in good standing with PI. If breeding AI be sure your Semen Sales Receipt is on file prior to ET.
  3. The DNA file of both the Donor and Sire are to be on file with PI prior to registration of offspring.
  4. Any, and all, offspring from ET programs will be DNA PARENT verified with the DNA report submitted to PI at the time of registration. DNA may also be submitted through UC Davis Affiliate program using the PED / Pedigree International affiliation option. Contact PI for advanced registration numbers.
  5. Additional paper work on collection, flush, implantation or AI tech work is not required.

Sold embryos:

If frozen or fresh embryos are sold/purchased then a copy of the sales receipt must accompany the registration applications of the produced offspring, along with all the above documentation. The owner of the live kids born from sold embryos or recipients carrying either fresh or frozen embryos will be required to provide confirming DNA reports from UC Davis upon submission of applications on the kids born. The expense for registration of embryo kids is the responsibility of the owner of the kids born. All ET kids born from one donor must be submitted for application at the same time.

Sold recipients:

If a recipient is sold with either fresh or frozen embryos the same documentation as above will be required. A bill of sale from the original owner of the embryos to the buyer of the recipient will also be required. The owner of the live kids born from sold embryos or recipients will be required to provide confirming DNA reports at their own expense.The expense for registration of embryos is the responsibility of the owner of the kids born. All ET kids born from one donor must be submitted for application at the same time.

The identification number of the recipient that carried the animal must be indicated on that animal’s application for registration. Service memo or lease agreements will also need to be submitted as they apply.

Only current/active PI clients may register ET offspring, regardless of the date they purchased the embryos/recipients. The seller of said embryos must have been a PI client at the time of the sale.

Pedigree International requires DNA parentage on all progeny of the genetics work.

Live service by any buck not owned by the owner of the doe serviced:

When a live buck is used to service a doe that is owned by another breeder a “Service Memo” must be filled out by the owner of the buck used. ALL does that are listed on the any one service memo must have ALL the kids born to them registered at the same time and the original service memo must accompany the registration for application.

If you have a circumstance that is not covered by the policies above, or would like to petition for a variance, you may contact Pedigree to discuss your matter.